Our unique Aussie Dingo

Recent scientific analysis states that the Australian “native dog” is not a dog, but a distinct canine species. Although the dingo can interbreed with the domestic dog, it is a distinct species. Dingos have some remarkable differences from domestic dogs. For example, their heads can swivel around, allowing the dingo to shake heavy prey, such as a kangaroo, without breaking its own neck. The shoulder joint allows extraordinary movement of the front legs and of course the dingo’s teeth are large compared to domestic dogs.


Female dingo on Fraser Island, Queensland. One of a breeding pair, seen in January 2012. They had successfully
raised two pups, who were unfortunately killed in suspicious circumstances  soon after that. Photo: Kaye Hargreaves.

Dog gone: scientists confirm the dingo is a unique species

March 28, 2014
Nicky Phillips

Science Editor


A startling discovery: Commonly believed to be a breed of wild dog,
scientists now consider the dingo to be a species in its own right.

Photo: Neil Newitt

Since the arrival of westerners in Australia more than 200 years ago, the dingo has been known as Australia’s native dog. But it turns out that our native mutt is not really a mutt.

For the first time scientists have confirmed the dingo is a species in its own right.

“The dingo is distinct from what we describe as a domestic dog; it’s a distinct form of canid,” said Mike Letnic, a University of NSW ecologist.


First sight: The original dingo drawing from The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. Photo: Supplied

The revelation comes after a group of Sydney scientists found there was no scientific description of the animal. In zoology it is typical for animals to have an official description, usually based on a specimen called a holotype, which is used to differentiate one closely related species from another.

Scientists had been basing descriptions of the dingo on a “rudimentary” illustration in a diary from 1789

“Everyone has based their descriptions on the drawing of a dingo in the journal of the first Australian governor, Arthur Phillip,” said Mathew Crowther, the research leader from the University of Sydney.

He said the lack of official status has meant dingoes are often confused with wild dogs, a pest to farmers because they kill livestock. Policies in parts of Australia support the conservation of dingoes but the extermination of “dingo-dogs”. To determine exactly what makes a dingo a dingo, Dr Crowther and his team tracked down 19th century specimens that lived before interbreeding with European dogs became widespread.

From a mix of skeletons, skins and preserved specimens, most held in European museums, the team determined the physical characteristics that define a dingo – a longer snout, a large skull, a brushy tail and pointy ears – reported in the Journal of Zoology.

Dr Crowther said a dingo’s appearance was more variable than people had assumed; coat colour could range from white to tan or black and tan.

While dingoes and domestic dogs had a common ancestor, the dingo had lived in isolation for more than 3000 years, Dr Letnic said.

Dr Crowther said dingoes’ appropriate scientific classification was Canis dingo, as they appeared not to be descended from wolves, were distinct from dogs and were not a subspecies.

About transformational1

I have many interests and I have had a varied career. I am a semi-retired professional dog trainer, specialising in the use of positive reinforcement. I do some consultations, I run instructor workshops and I am setting up a Dogs and Psychotherapy Research Project. I have a law degree from Melbourne University (but have never practiced) and I am passionate about Human Rights. My first degree was in Sociology. I worked as a social researcher on issues such as low income housing, women's refuges and women in the workforce. I live in an inner suburb of Melbourne, Australia, and I have a German Shepherd called Chance.
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